Darth Vader or originally known as Anakin Skywalker, was the antagonist of the original Star Wars movies. He was trained by Obi-Wan Kenobi as a Jedi. He fought in the Clone Wars prior to turning to the Dark Side of the Force. He would also father both Luke Skywalker and Princess Leia with their mother, Padme. He would fulfill his destiny by saving Luke from being electrocuted by Emperor Palpatine during Return of the Jedi. This item would be a great addition to any Star Wars collection, as this is one of the very few remaining 1978 “Original Twelve” Star Wars carded action figures. This Darth Vader action figure is extremely rare as it was manufactured and sold in Japan.
1978 Kenner Star Wars 12 Back-B Darth Vader (First 12) Takara Sticker (Japanese)
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Darth Vader or originally known as Anakin Skywalker, was the antagonist of the original Star Wars movies. He was trained by Obi-Wan Kenobi as a Jedi. He fought in the Clone Wars prior to turning to the Dark Side of the Force. He would also father both Luke Skywalker and Princess Leia with their mother, Padme. He would fulfill his destiny by saving Luke from being electrocuted by Emperor Palpatine during Return of the Jedi. This item would be a great addition to any Star Wars collection, as this is one of the very few remaining 1978 “Original Twelve” Star Wars carded action figures. This Darth Vader action figure is extremely rare as it was manufactured and sold in Japan.
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Action Figure
Star Wars
Darth Vader
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